Can A Thyroid Disorder
Be the Cause of Your Hair Loss?

Can A Thyroid Disorder Be the Cause of Your Hair Loss?

Common causes of hair loss include hereditary factors, hormonal changes, radiation therapy, and harmful cosmetic treatments. Other triggers might be harder to pinpoint. Some drugs that treat cancer, arthritis, depression, hypertension, and high blood pressure also have hair loss as side effects. Another less understood cause is thyroid disease.

What Causes Thyroid Disorders?

Your thyroid gland produces hormones that your body utilizes for energy and warmth, as well as muscle and organ support. Thyroid problems begin when there’s an imbalance in hormone production. Hypothyroidism occurs when there’s insufficient production, while hyperthyroidism refers to an overproduction of thyroid hormones. Common triggers of these disorders include autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves’ disease.

The Link Between Thyroid Disorders and Hair Loss

Medical specialists have established a plausible connection between hair loss and thyroid glands. These particular hormones play an essential role in the creation of hair follicles. If you have a thyroid disorder, the hormonal imbalance can cause telogen effluvium. This scalp disorder disrupts the hair production cycle. Your hair roots enter the resting stage earlier than they should, which results in hair loss.

Although some thyroid disorders appear abruptly, others may be present for months or even years before a proper diagnosis. Because the hair growth cycle is long, hair loss starts showing months after the outbreak. This situation might cause confusion during treatment. Your physician may wrongly assume the hair loss is due to antithyroid treatment and withdraw it, leading you to lose more hair.

If you have autoimmune thyroid disease, you’re more likely to develop related disorders. While thyroid disorders cause uniform hair thinning across the scalp, autoimmune conditions such as alopecia areata cause circular patches of baldness.

Treatment Options for Thyroid-Related Hair Loss

By managing the underlying thyroid disorder, your doctor will treat your hair loss as well. An effective way of controlling hypothyroidism is through a synthetic hormone known as levothyroxine sodium. Other treatment options for hyperthyroidism are:

  • Antithyroid Medication

    These drugs minimize the scale of thyroid hormone production. Take iodine supplements only as advised by a qualified medical professional. Other than medication, calcium-rich foods help you control an overactive thyroid gland.

  • Internal Radiation Therapy

    Radioactive iodine destroys some cells in the thyroid gland, which in turn reduces hormone production. The aim is to activate hypothyroidism, which you can then manage with synthetic hormones.

  • Surgery

    Although recommended by most doctors as a last resort, it removes some or all of the thyroid gland. As with radioactive iodine, it may result in an underactive gland.

A healthy and balanced diet is essential in tackling thyroid disorders that cause hair loss. Other than calcium, protein helps in tackling brittle hair. Legumes, lean meats, dairy products, and nuts contain high levels of this nutrient. Omega-3 acids, which are found in oily fish, help in nourishing your scalp. Spinach and other green vegetables prevent your hair from becoming weak. Foods rich in Vitamin A and C also serve the same purpose.

Biotin is an essential vitamin for hair growth. It’s present in egg yolk, yeast, liver, and whole grains, among other foods. You can also purchase it as an over-the-counter product. It’s advisable to stop using biotin a few days before a thyroid blood test because it can adversely affect the results.

Dr. William Can Help You Stop Hair Loss!

At the Advanced Medical Hair Institute, we take a comprehensive approach to treating hair loss. Dr. Joseph Williams is renowned for his thorough evaluation of all cases he handles. Understanding your unique hair problem gives him the chance to create a customized treatment plan. Other than decades of experience and top notch expertise, he takes a keen interest in the latest technology in this fast-growing field. Please schedule a consultation today for an effective solution to your hair problem.