Last week we began a series dedicated to those customers of ours who wanted to share their experiences on camera. Here is the transcript for those readers out there, like me, who find videos a little much.
I will include links to the videos just in case you would rather hear them or would like to see the many before and after pictures, and hear how the experience went from the customers themselves.
We continue our series with an interview with Pat about 13 months after his visit with us on Christmas Eve:
Dr. Williams: Pat, let’s see, you were here Christmas Eve, so a little over a year ago. And you’ve been all over the world, nine times, I know that’s the way you do it. But one thing that I recall about you was that you had quite a large need, and you were excited that we could move enough hair to give you a standalone procedure with one effort.
Pat: Absolutely. One and done. Yeah. And for me, if I can get something that’s a one and done, like anything I do in life, I don’t do anything half-ass, I like to connect the dots.
Dr. Williams: We did 3,262 grafts on you, Christmas Eve. And when you see your before pictures, it’s quite a nice result.
Pat: I couldn’t be more pleased. I love my new hair.
Dr. Williams:
It looks very good. So we did 550 grafts in your hairline, put 1,200 in the front, we did 412 in the top, and we did 500 in the crown, and then we did temporal peaks, we did 100 or so, and filled in some hair, because you were pretty far back. Now, this is a little pigmented now.
As I told you, we stimulate the melanocytes, but typically that will fade over time, and it’ll probably end up being just like the white hair you have on the side, like the white hair I got all over me.
Would you let me show them what your scar looks like?
Pat: Oh, sure. Absolutely. If you will.
Dr. Williams: Everybody’s so worried about scars. This is all that Pat ended up with after getting 3,200 grafts. That’s his scar right there. Can you zoom in on that? (camera zooms in to find minimal scar).
You can wear it a lot shorter than this and never actually have anything to worry about there.
From the Proscope we can see a lot of growth yet coming in here, and we showed you a lot of the new growth. These are the larger groupings.
We don’t need ones or singles back here like we do in the hairline, so we put the larger groupings and reproduce the whirl, and you’ve got quite a bit yet to come in here. I think that’ll cover that little spot for you nicely.
Continued in this interview
Dr. Williams: I don’t know how you found me, but you did find me. And what was the experience like?
Pat: I found you with your advertising, watching sports. Yeah, I’m basically a blue collar working guy. And I usually look before I leap. And so after researching your website and then speaking with you, we did our consultation, and I decided to do it. And, honestly, I couldn’t be more pleased. The heal-up time was relatively quick, and I was concerned for a little while about the line on the scar, but that all went away, and it healed up beautifully.
Dr. Williams: Do you get haircuts?
Pat: I get my hair cut probably every three weeks, and I do keep it shorter, which to me was a little bit of a concern at first. But after seeing that the scar is basically nonexistent after it’s grown out a little bit, I’ve been extremely happy with what’s happened and would recommend Dr. Williams to anybody.
Dr. Williams: You’ve got a natural look. I don’t think anybody would look at you and know that this was a transplant. I think it’s a good distribution.
Pat: Oh, you know, there is one thing that I wanted to mention that I didn’t know would happen. It’s when I was younger, and I did have hair. I had a cowlick here, and once you put all the hair back in, I still have the cowlick there a little bit. So I do have to kind of keep in the front a little bit longer.
Dr. Williams: Well, thank you for sharing your experience with us, and I think it’s a nice result, and I’m glad you’re happy with it.
Please meet Gary, who thought about trying us over a decade ago but talked himself out of it, until last year when he changed his mind:
Gary: I came to you 13 years ago for the first time when I had significantly more hair than I did 9 months ago. Decided to wait, wait, wait until it got to the point where I was really losing a lot of hair.
Dr. Williams: We did 3,301 grafts on you. We did 500 in your hairline, 1,000 in the front, 551 in the top, 1,000 in the crown. We rebuilt your temporal peaks, put 125 on each side. And you’re coming back now for your 9 months and we just showed you how you’ve still got quite a bit to come in.
Gary: I’m 52 years old this December and a couple weeks ago, I got my hair cut. And the woman who had never cut my hair before said, “You have a really nice head of hair for being 52 years old.” Which was nice because I haven’t heard that since I was 25 years old.
And that was pleasant. The procedure was no problem at all. I followed your directions exactly and it went textbook as you told me it would.
Dr. Williams: Well, you certainly look good. The temporal peaks look good. The crown, you were talking about how you didn’t even want to look at that when you had haircuts.
Gary: Right, she would cut your hair and they’d put the mirror behind you to show you how the back of it was cut. I would just look down because I didn’t want to see the big shiny white spot.
Dr. Williams: Right. What do you think about this big concern about scarring?
Gary: I’ve never had anybody comment on it within a few months after the procedure. I couldn’t feel it, I couldn’t see it. My wife couldn’t see it.
Dr. Williams: Now we’ve protected your donor area and you’re going to be able to have plenty in the bank if you ever need anymore. But we moved quite a bit on you and I think you look terrific and I appreciate your confidence.
Gary: Yeah, now I appreciate it to the point where I’d recommend a good friend of mine.
I hope you get the chance to come in and find out if Advanced Medical Hair Institute is for you; if you would like more information or have any questions, schedule a consultation today.