
Is There Really A Secret To Preventing Hair Loss?

It doesn’t necessarily matter if you are a man or a woman, hair loss is an equal opportunity life changer, and depending on your genetic makeup, hair loss may just be inevitable for you. Luckily, however, there are a lot of different techniques that people use to give themselves an edge on preventing hair loss,… Read more »

Can You Regrow Hair Without Medication?

If you’re suffering from hair loss, you have probably done a lot of research for various ways to get your hair to grow back. You may have noticed that there are a lot of methods that people “swear by” that have given them results, but do those results actually help them regrow their hair? Some… Read more »

3 Natural Ways To Regrow Hair

Your hair is a part of you, and when you start losing that part of you, everything seems to change. Whether you’ve noticed that your hair has been thinning over the years (perhaps you’ve noticed more and more of your scalp through the comb lines) or you’re experiencing patchy baldness, it’s important to recognize that… Read more »

Is Hair Restoration The Right Path For You?

Hair loss is a personal experience that can affect every aspect of your life: personal, professional and recreational. Most people don’t take this change lightly, and they look for various ways to slow it, stop it or reverse the effects of hair loss. While researching the effects of hair loss will help you through the… Read more »

What Natural Hair Restoration Results Really Do

When it comes to changing your look and style, there are a lot of different avenues you can take. Some seek out a whole new wardrobe while others change their morning routines. Still others work toward more permanent changes in their look, focusing on restoring their patchy baldness, regrowing their thinning hair and transforming their… Read more »

Resolve To Have Great Hair

It’s never too late to make a resolution. You don’t have to have a new year come around just to get the things that you want. What you do need to do is make the decision to change or create change in your life. For some, this means changing their diet, but for others, it… Read more »

Are “Super Foods” Linked to Hair Growth and Retention?

It affects the digestive system, immune system and every organ of your body. Some people say it can even make your skin look dull or downright radiant. So if food can do all these things—and more—it’s not such a big leap to conclude that certain foods might stymie hair loss, too. At the least, eating… Read more »

Hair Transplant Surgery: Are You a Good Candidate?

You have probably spent plenty of time online, researching your hair restoration options. You’ve tried various shampoos and remedies, but nothing seems to work. In your research you have come across Hair Restoration Surgery as one of the treatment options. The types of hair restoration procedures vary, but are you a good hair transplant candidate?… Read more »

3 Ways Hair Implants Can Help You

If you have experience with thinning hair, balding or a receding hairline, you have probably done a little bit of research on how to find a hair loss solution. As a matter of fact, that’s probably why you’re here. Unfortunately, the Internet is full of crazy antics and various products that claim to be effective… Read more »

3 Ways to Stop Hair Loss

It has finally happened. You are experiencing the first signs of hair loss. It’s going away, and it’s not coming back. While this can be a traumatic time in your life, it is also a great time to start doing your research. There are some great ways that can help you combat hair loss and… Read more »