Can Consuming More Protein
Help to Prevent Hair Loss?

Does Consuming More Protein Prevent Hair Loss?

Did you know that protein makes up a large chunk of your hair? Other than some fat, keratin is the main component. For healthy hair to grow, it needs up to 20 amino acids, which are protein’s main building blocks. Your body produces 11 of them naturally, with the rest coming from your diet. The remaining nine are known as essential amino acids.

How Does Protein Deficiency Influence Hair Loss?

Hair production occurs through mitosis, a process that multiplies cells around the follicle. These cells form the hair shaft and influence its growth, which requires a lot of nutrients to support the creation of new cells. Any interference with mitotic activities has adverse effects on your hair’s health. Protein deficiency causes or worsens hair loss, as well as impacting ongoing hair loss treatments.

How to Tell If Your Hair Needs More Protein

If you notice the following features, there’s a high probability that your hair receives inadequate protein:

  • Porous hair: High porosity makes your hair absorb water easily. The results include tangled and frizzy hair.
  • Stringy or limp hair: Stringy hair is a clear symptom of inadequate protein intake. Increasing this nutrient in your diet also improves hair volume.
  • Low elasticity: A surefire way of testing hair elasticity is to wet a strand and pull it. Healthy hair should bounce back without breaking.
  • Damaged hair: If your hair has split ends, is brittle, dry, or generally hard to manage, it means it’s damaged. The more protein you take, the healthier it becomes.

Suitable Protein Sources

Protein-rich foods help you produce keratin, which gives your hair a glossy and full look. You can increase your intake in two ways, the first of which is oral consumption of natural foods and supplements. Fatty fish, eggs, shrimp, nuts, and legumes are valuable protein sources. Incorporate them into your diet to ensure healthy hair and prevent long term hair loss.

You can opt for supplements if you feel like the dietary sources aren’t providing enough nutrients. Protein-rich energy bars and powders are the best options. Other than soy and casein, they contain whey protein. This powder is the most soluble type of low lactose protein supplement. Be sure to consult your physician before integrating supplements into your diet.

The second essential source of hair nutrients is protein packs. These cosmetic and DIY products protect your hair by attaching the necessary minerals to your cuticles. These packs are available as mists, shampoos, and masks. Some professional salons perform keratin treatments, which help nourish and repair damaged hair. DIY products include egg-yogurt, mayonnaise-avocado, and coconut milk-avocado packs. Avoid protein packs with harmful ingredients such as sulfates, cocamide DEA, and isopropyl alcohol.

Advanced Hair Loss Solutions

If you don’t see any significant changes after stabilizing your protein intake, it’s time to consider alternative solutions. One of them is the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. It reverses hair loss by injecting plasma derived from your blood into your scalp. The two most popular surgical procedures are:

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This hair restoration process is also known as strip surgery. It transplants naturally-occurring hair to the parts that are affected by hair loss.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): This newer procedure is more effective and detailed than FUT. It harvests individual hair follicles, which create a more natural appearance when healed. Other than being less invasive, it also results in less scarring.

Protein consumption and hair restoration procedures are just two of several hair loss solutions. Dr. Williams will suggest the best option after performing a thorough evaluation.

Get the Latest Hair Loss Treatment at Advanced Medical Hair Institute

The Advanced Medical Hair Institute offers comprehensive solutions to a variety of hair problems. Dr. Joseph Williams combines experience, skills, and the latest technology to create customized treatment plans. Our team of professionals is always researching the best hair remedies and restoration methods that provide the most natural results. Please make an appointment today for more details.