Many people worry about getting a Hair Transplantation procedure in the winter-time because they have heard that cold weather damages their hair, or that cold weather can cause Hair Loss, and no one wants to risk causing damage to their hair, right?
Fortunately, these old tales are nothing more than that – old tales! While there might have been some truth to them with much older methods of hair transplantation (we’re talking over half a century ago!), with modern Hair Transplantation techniques like Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), there is no need to worry about winter weather any more than summer weather!
How Do I Take Care Of My Hair Transplants In Winter?
The good news is that the care of your Hair Restoration, whether it is Hair Transplantation or other methods, is not left up to your own devices! Here are some things to keep in mind if you receive Hair Restoration in the winter:
Ask your Hair Restoration Specialist about Hair Care in your specific region!
Your Hair Restoration Specialist knows the specific Hair Care needs for your region, and they will not only give you the information you need to take care of your Hair Restoration, but will gladly answer any questions or concerns you have about what to do in the cold, winter months!
Make sure to keep your hair out of the elements.
Winter is different in different parts of the United States, but assuming it gets cold where you live in the winter you want to make sure to protect your hair from all that comes along with that.
In places with extreme cold, especially with wind and snow, you will want to protect the Transplanted Area from direct exposure to wind, snow, and rain for a week to ten days after the procedure. If possible, stay inside as much as you can; if not, make sure that you ask your Hair Restoration Specialist for advice about how to protect your hair in those times you have to go outside!
For example, you will want to cover your head somehow, but remember that you need to use loose-fitting coverings for your head. This is not just good advice in general, but after Hair Transplantation like FUE and FUT, where there are surgical incisions made to your scalp, you want to protect the areas from exposure to anything that might cause infection.
Infection will not only cause you to get ill, but could damage the results of the procedure you just went through! So follow your Specialist’s advice!
Avoid alcoholic beverages during the healing process.
We know – having a nice glass of that special egg nog or a nightcap are wonderful winter traditions, but in winter weather alcohol becomes even more problematic for Hair Transplants than in warmer weather.
Your Hair Restoration Specialist can tell you more about your specific needs based on your procedure, but you should avoid alcohol before and for a while after your procedure anyway. (We talked more about Pre-Transplant Care and Post-Transplant Care in earlier posts, which you can find at the links by clicking on them!)
In Winter, however, it’s even more important to be careful! During the summer your Hair Transplants might be attacked by the sun, but covering them up will help there. In winter, however, you can’t simply put on a snug hat to keep your scalp warm and Transplanted Hair Follicles protected from the weather.
That means that if you “poison the waterhole” of your bloodstream, so to speak, you risk adding poor circulation to the already numerous ways that the winter weather can affect your investment in your new look.
Don’t forget the sun!
One of the biggest mistakes people make in winter is forgetting that the sun is still out there, and that it can cause the same damage to your skin and hair in the winter as the summer!
In fact, the sun is more dangerous in the winter in a lot of ways because people tend to forget it’s beating down on them because they aren’t getting hot like they do in the summer months.
So while you might think that it’s cooler outside, so you don’t have to worry about the sun as much, remember that the UV rays are beaming down on you just the same as during the summer, so don’t just stand outside in the sun just because it’s winter time!
Follow your Specialist’s advice and wear a loose-fitting hat if they say it’s okay, or, if possible, just avoid the sun altogether for a few days! We think a week of less sun exposure is worth the rest of your life in your new look.
Winter Wrap-Up
So don’t let rumors about winter weather stop you from looking into Hair Restoration. Get your new look in the winter and be ready for all the outdoor sports summer in Las Vegas brings by the time June rolls in!
Contact your local Hair Restoration Specialist, Dr. Joseph Williams, to schedule your consultation today!