That’s a great question.
Ozempic® is one of the more popular brand names of semiglutide. Semiglutide is marketed and used primarily for weight loss. There’s a great chance you already know someone who is using it for that purpose. As of this writing, it’s available to be administered with a syringe (either by a doctor or oneself), and it also comes in tablet/pill form.
Semiglutide is also used in the blood sugar management of type 2 Diabetes and to reduce the odds of death from heart attack and stroke in those with type 2. Semiglutide is not a cure.
Why All the Fuss?
So why has it become so popular? There are lots of fads that come and go, like specific diets and exercise programs. I’d bet you can list a dozen by name or by the celebrity/personality who was responsible for making them wildly popular. But the one thing they have in common is the attempt to solve one of humankind’s biggest problems.
Here in America, we lead the world in a lot of categories, but we’re among the leaders in the wrong one – obesity (and morbid obesity). We all want to live as long as we can and be as healthy as possible. And that’s why we try diets and exercise programs – to overcome the premature killer of heart disease and its main culprit, obesity.
In 1990, the American obesity rate in adults was measured at approximately 12%. In 2022, the rate increased to a whopping 33%! Some of the contributing factors are believed to be an increase in processed foods, urbanization, and a rise in the sedentary lifestyle. We find ourselves sitting now more than ever for most of our day.
We understandably like to take shortcuts when we can. Why keep all of your money in a savings account earning 3% interest when there are much faster (but usually riskier) methods? Why take the long way around when you can save a lot of time by hopping the fence? Why go to the gym 4 days a week when there’s a way to get the same results in 1 or 2 days?
While all drugs have side effects of one kind or another, the initial reports indicate those experienced while taking semiglutide are minimal for the majority, or at least rumored to be worth the trade-off. The FDA insists that any approved drug must list the complete details about the drug in order to market and sell it. This includes its chemical properties, the complete list of side effects, and its appropriate use cases.
And the Side Effect?
Telogen Effluvium is a common type of hair loss caused when a large number of hair follicles enter the resting phase (telogen) of the hair cycle all at the same time. It also happens when someone experiences significant physiological stress, such as illness, surgery, or drug abuse, which causes hair follicles to shed.
It can be as simple as seeing a few extra strands of hair in your hairbrush, in your shower drain, or on the floor. It’s natural to confuse these as the first signs of genetic hair loss, but they are unrelated.
Is There a Connection?
Here’s where semiglutide and hair loss meet – rapid weight loss. When we experience rapid weight loss, Telogen Effluvium can kick in and cause accelerated hair shedding. With weight loss comes normal shedding, and with quick weight loss, the hair seems to shed faster. It is all part of the natural process and is not usually considered to be a problem.
That’s one reason for this article: those taking semiglutide have reported experiencing hair loss. But rest assured that when the weight loss tapers off, so will the hair loss cycle, unless there is a separate cause unrelated to semiglutide. Hair loss is not listed as a side effect of the medicine for this reason.
As always, you should check with your doctor to see if a medicine is right for you and if there are possible adverse interactions with your current medications.
At Advanced Medical Hair Institute, we encourage a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. If you find yourself on the journey to research hair loss after seeing a few extra hairs in the sink, feel free to contact us for a consultation. Have a great week!