Thanksgiving is approaching fast, and the Christmas and New Year holidays are not far behind. That means that many of us will be enjoying feasts with families, friends, and loved ones. And having healthy (or unhealthy) portions of desserts and sweet treats as well.
Enjoying all that the holidays have to offer is important, so enjoy those goodies and those wonderful feasts! But don’t forget to take care of your hair as well.
Winter months are already harsher on hair than the rest of the year, so it can be adding more potential damage if you neglect the nutrients as well as the other things you can do to maintain your hair for the season.
Here are some foods that you can enjoy this holiday season while still getting the nutrients you need for the best hair and scalp care possible.
Fish – particularly salmon, mackerel, and the like – has Omega-3 fatty acids in it. Unfortunately, our bodies can’t make Omega-3 on their own, so we need to get it from somewhere. While it’s available in a few other sources, the most efficient way to get a lot of it is either taking supplements for it, or enjoying some tasty fish filets!
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to hair care because they help provide nutrients your body needs to maintain healthy hair follicles and to grow new hair. It also has the added benefit of enhancing shine on your hair as well, so there’s more than just a healthy reason to choose fish this Thanksgiving!
Kale, spinach, and other leafy green vegetables also provide support for your hair and scalp. Dark greens in particular are high in a lot of vitamins and minerals, iron, beta carotene, and Vitamins A and C. These are easy to implement into almost any meal as either part of the salad or in other dishes.
These greens give your scalp nutrients it needs to stay healthy and moisturized, and also helps strengthen your hair so that it is less prone to break. That’s important, especially if you’re wearing a lot of hats or hoods because of the chilly weather!
What would Thanksgiving be without turkey? Fortunately, protein from lean animals like chickens and turkeys have less of the bad fats than other types of meat.
Proteins help make sure that your hair follicles have the energy they need to induce hair growth. Hair follicles go through periods of growth and rest over time, so if you want to ensure that your hair follicles are growing that hair in, you want to make sure to consume a lot of protein. Enjoy the turkey!
Berries and Nuts
While there are plenty of dessert options, it’s good to find a balance between sweets and healthy food. Fortunately, berries and nuts are among the healthiest snack options, and they also provide antioxidants and Vitamin C.
So enjoy those pastries, but when that sweet tooth strikes, consider grabbing a handful of almonds and blueberries once in a while instead of a slice of pie.
Antioxidants and Vitamin C are both attributed to helping hair growth and maintaining healthy hair – and making hair look great.
Happy Thanksgiving!
All of us here at Advanced Medical Hair Institute want to wish you a happy, safe, and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. If you decide to gift yourself some peace of mind about your potential hair restoration, you can schedule a consultation with our team and we will get back to you after the holiday!