How can I prevent baldness?

How can I prevent baldness?

Baldness is a condition that gets worse over time, but it’s not one that you have to just wait and see if it happens and then have to live with it. Adopting healthy habits and seeking treatment at the first sign of shedding is key to preventing, slowing, or stopping hair loss and giving treatments their best chance to be effective. It can also help prevent future baldness.

The following are some effective ways you can prevent baldness:

See an expert.

The first step in preventing baldness is to see an expert when – or even before – you first notice any signs of hair loss. Dr. Joseph L. Williams has over 15 years of experience in hair restoration and ensures the best possible results. He’ll start by determining the cause of your hair loss and then creating a treatment plan. And if you don’t have hair loss yet, he can help determine whether vitamins or other treatments can help prevent baldness in your case.

Minimize stress.

Stress can negatively affect your health, so it’s no surprise that it can also cause hair loss. It can cause your hair to stop growing and make your body’s immune system attack hair follicles. Everyone is under stress, of course, but you can make it more manageable by consistently getting enough sleep and finding healthy ways to relax, such as exercising or meditating.

Eat a healthy diet.

A diet that fails to provide the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals makes hair growth more difficult. Eating a diet that gives you plenty of iron, zinc, healthy proteins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and fresh fruits and vegetables can help prevent hair loss while promoting hair growth. If you don’t get enough nutrients from your food, a supplement may be recommended.

Eliminate habits that aggravate hair loss.

Smoking and alcohol can contribute to baldness since they restrict your blood vessels. This reduces circulation and restricts blood flow to your hair follicles.

Take medication if your doctor recommends it.

Several medications can help prevent and treat baldness. Finasteride blocks the formation of DHT, a hormone that makes your hair follicles thin and short. The hormone disrupts your hair’s growth cycle, and by blocking the formation of DHT, finasteride can promote hair growth. Minoxidil is another medication used to treat baldness, and it works by increasing blood circulation to your hair follicles, which promotes hair growth. In some cases, these two medications can be used together.

Utilize low level laser therapy.

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) utilizes safe, painless lasers to increase blood flow to your thinning hair. This not only improves the hair you still have, but also helps prevent future hair loss.

Get hair transplants from an expert.

During a hair transplant procedure, hair you already have is used to fill in an area where your hair is thinning or where you have no hair. There are two different methods for hair transplantation: follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transfer (FUT). Dr. Williams is experienced in both these types of transplants and will recommend the one that offers you the best chance of success. Generally, FUT is recommended for more advanced cases of baldness.

In many cases, baldness can be prevented. If you’ve already noticed signs of hair loss or would like more information on how to prevent it, make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Williams at Advanced Medical Hair Institute in Las Vegas and Reno today.