Surgical Hair Restoration for Women

Surgical Hair Restoration for Women

Although balding is mostly associated with men, women also make up a sizable percentage of hair loss sufferers. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that 40% of females will have visible hair loss by 40. If you’re in this age group, and are experiencing issues with hair loss, Dr. Joseph Williams has the surgical expertise to help you reverse this condition.

Why Some Women Experience Hair Loss?

While the testosterone hormone is mainly associated with male bodies, women also produce it in trace amounts. Under certain conditions, an enzyme converts this hormone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This derivative interrupts the growth stage of hair follicles, which speeds the balding process. Even with lower testosterone amounts, the female body can still produce enough DHT to cause hair thinning as you age.

Other causes of hair loss in women include:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Stress, which may cause telogen effluvium.
  • Reduced production of hair cell protein due to iron deficiency and thyroid imbalance.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Harmful chemicals in shampoos and other hair products.

Differences Between Female and Male Hair Loss

Hair restoration surgery for women doesn’t always follow the same guidelines as for men. DHT is the primary cause of male pattern baldness, which primarily affects the crown of the scalp. The sides and back of the head are perfect donor areas because they retain dense hair. These stable sites provide all the grafts we need for a full transplant.

Hair loss in women is not as clear cut because you’ll experience thinning across your entire head. While you’ll maintain your frontal hairline, the overall hair volume will keep reducing. This situation makes it harder for some sites to donate hair to the balding parts. If you get a transplant from a DHT-affected donor site, the new hair is also likely to fall off later on.

Good Female Candidates for Surgical Hair Restoration

Four types of surgical hair restoration procedures can offer desirable results. The first involves removing small pieces of graft-rich scalp from the sides or back of the head and transplanting them to the thinning area. We might either use the follicular unit transfer (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE) methods.

The second type is known as tissue expansion. It places a tissue expanding device beneath a hair-rich site next to a balding part. After some weeks, it triggers the growth of new skin cells, which we then surgically transplant to the bald spot.

Flap surgery is suitable if you have large balding areas. Dr. Williams removes the affected portion of your scalp then covers it with hair-growing skin. The transplanted part remains connected to its initial blood supply to encourage hair growth.

The final surgery option is scalp reduction. After removing the bald sections, we join the hair-rich parts of the scalp to fill the gap. The result is a scalp with more hair volume.

Only a small percentage of women with hair loss are eligible for surgical hair restoration. You’re a prime candidate if you have the following features:

  • Your hair loss is due to non-hormonal triggers such as traction alopecia.
  • You have a well-defined pattern of hair loss similar to male baldness.
  • Alopecia marginalis. This condition causes hair loss along your hairline.
  • Your hair loss is due to an accident, burning, chemical exposure, and other traumatic events.
  • If you’ve previously had cosmetic surgery and notice hair loss around your incision sites, surgical hair restoration can improve your appearance.

The Advanced Medical Hair Institute utilizes the latest technology to restore your hair to its former glory. Our lead surgeon, Dr. Joseph Williams, combines his skills and wealth of experience to transplant the appropriate volume. His acclaimed procedures boost your self-esteem by giving you the most natural outcome possible. Please make an appointment today for comprehensive solutions to your hair loss problems.