The Journey to Restoring Hair –

The Journey to Restoring Hair - Serenity

Last time, we discussed the signs of balding and the importance of doing your homework to check out some of the options currently available. While hair restoration is our line of work, we will never attempt to convince anyone who isn’t ready for it, and we will salute those who choose to accept Mother Nature as is. A consultation is always welcome, regardless of which option you choose.

The homework likely concluded with one of the below choices:

Finding Out What You Can Do…

  1. Accept hair loss
  2. Dietary changes and supplements
  3. Hair regrowth medicines
  4. Consider a hair transplant

here is no denying that hair is something most of us use when describing someone else. It’s true whether they have any or not, whether it’s blonde or red, or if it’s shoulder length or a bob.

Give this a try. Ask a friend of yours to describe a friend of theirs you’ve never met. You might find that females are described using their hair color and length first, while men are described by other features like height and career.

A recent study of 2,000 prize-winning books pointed out similar findings—that women’s hair is twice as likely to be mentioned as a man’s and that her hair, chest, and nails are described first or most often. A man’s more frequent descriptors are usually his jawline, his height, and his brain or sense of humor.

From observation of history and the present, we can tell that a bald female head and a bald male head each have a separate struggle. Balding females are rarer and also more stigmatized when it comes to public acceptance and judgment. Female hair loss can become harder to accept when beauty is often tied to self-identity and sometimes worth.

For men, hair loss can be difficult to deal with because it is likely to make them look like he is aging faster, and they may lose confidence that they will ever be seen as attractive should their hairline change drastically. Both men and women tend to fear balding as a permanent downgrade to their future career opportunities, as many bosses have let it be known that they have less faith in hiring candidates who are follicly-challenged.

Accepting hair loss becomes a challenge, often requiring bravery, hope, and support from others. The difficult news is that the journey from a full head of hair to completely bald has no known time limit, so it’s hard to tell oneself that it’ll be over soon. This is the detail that makes many people begin shaving it completely bald to skip that drawn-out timeframe. And then comes the bravery of leaning into it and becoming proud of the new you.

Many people online and in person are specifically attracted to bald heads and will let it be known. The potential number of suitors may shrink, but the ones who like bald heads are passionate about it, and usually, the only request is that the bald person is confident and not self-conscious. The suitor doesn’t mind if it’s caused by genetics or a razor; they love the look, and it can have a similar effect on them as seeing a very fit person’s body or a very well-dressed person. So combine these factors, and you may be in for more than you can handle when it comes to the sheer number of potential suitors.

Accepting baldness is a very personal decision and journey. It is not the only option, but one you should be proud of if that is your determination. As we have mentioned, there are many supportive people who can help you if you desire. Advanced Medical Hair Institute applaud your decision to accept hair loss or to change it; it’s your life to live as you please, no one else’s.

If you decide you want to seek other options, there are plenty. See below to follow us along the journey to restoring hair, where we’ll cover options like these in the coming weeks:

  • Considering a Hair Transplant…
  • Finding a Doctor…
  • Considering Medication and Other Alternatives…
  • Transplant Expectations…
  • Transplant Preparation…
  • Transplant Procedure Day…
  • After-Procedure Care and Timeline…
  • Your New Look; Your Next Chapter…